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Introduction to Logicwalk

Logical thinking is a fundamental learning technique. In this course, we will see how to learn by proving. We will learn how to learn.

Computer Architecture

Let's learn how computers work. We will study the different types of computer instructions and test them out on a simulator.


Python Programming

Learn Python, one of the most popular programming languages in the world. In this couse, we will cover the basics of Python, including expressions, functions, conditional statements, and loops. This is the first of the 2 course series on Python.

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Hours of Content


Fun proofs to get your mind rolling.


Vertical Angles

if m∠XPW = 180 and m∠YPZ = 180, then m∠WPZ = m∠XPY

Pythagorean Theorem

if ∠ZXY is a right angle, then ((distance XY) ⋅ (distance XY)) + ((distance XZ) ⋅ (distance XZ)) = (distance YZ) ⋅ (distance YZ)
a b a b

Sum Squared Theorem

(a + b) ⋅ (a + b) = ((aa) + ((ab) ⋅ 2)) + (bb)
See All Proofs

Why Logicwalk?

Logical Learning Process

Lessons that build on top of each other.

Hands-On Exercises

Practice what you have learned until it comes naturally.

Online Courses

Access our content anywhere at anytime.

Expert Instructors

Our instructors have both academic and industry experience.
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What People Say

As a beginner in computer programming, Logicwalk has been my principal resource for learning the fundamental logic behind computing and programming - concepts I struggled to grasp from other platforms. With Logicwalk's step-by-step curriculum, I now understand how programming actually works, rather than just copying pre-written code from the internet.

Jiyoung L.
Jiyoung L.
New York

Without any prior knowledge of software engineering, I was initially apprehensive, but the course content was presented in a clear, engaging manner that made learning a joy. By the end of the course, I not only gained a solid understanding of basic math principles and coding skills but also developed a newfound passion for software engineering.

Alex O.
Alex O.
Mountain View

When reviewing or writing code I find it invaluable to ask "Why is this correct?" because any gap in the explanation often indicates a bug in the code. This mindset, of looking for proof, is the basis for LogicWalk's curriculum: it aims to justify each new idea without any gaps. I would recommend it to anyone who is unsatisfied with hand-waving, or who wants to develop their proof mindset further.

David P.
David P.
New York
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