Function node (value, left, right)
node value
node (value, left, right)
Properties that reference this function:
Conditional properties that reference this function:
if el = val, then index of value val in [ node (el, left, right), remain ] with current index idx = idx
(link)if not (el = val), then index of value val in [ node (el, left, right), remain ] with current index idx = index of value val in remain with current index (idx + 1)
(link)if the following are true:
- not (left = val)
- not (right = val)
then find parent index of [ node (el, left, right), remain ] = find parent index of remain
(link)if the element at index i of stack tree = node (v, (-1), (-1)), then Height of a tree tree and index i = 1
(link)if the element at index i of stack tree = node (v, left, (-1)), then Height of a tree tree and index i = (Height of a tree tree and index left) + 1
(link)if the element at index i of stack tree = node (v, (-1), right), then Height of a tree tree and index i = (Height of a tree tree and index right) + 1
(link)if the following are true:
- the element at index i of stack tree = node (v, a, b)
- Height of a tree tree and index a > Height of a tree tree and index b
then Height of a tree tree and index i = (Height of a tree tree and index a) + 1
(link)if the following are true:
- the element at index i of stack tree = node (v, a, b)
- Height of a tree tree and index a < Height of a tree tree and index b
then Height of a tree tree and index i = (Height of a tree tree and index b) + 1
(link)if the following are true:
- the element at index i of stack tree = node (v, a, b)
- Height of a tree tree and index a = Height of a tree tree and index b
then Height of a tree tree and index i = (Height of a tree tree and index a) + 1
(link)if the following are true:
- val < a
- the element at index i of stack tree = node (a, left, right)
then output of the bst_insert function where input tree is tree, value is val and index is i = output of the bst_insert function where input tree is tree, value is val and index is left
(link)if the following are true:
- val > a
- the element at index i of stack tree = node (a, left, right)
then output of the bst_insert function where input tree is tree, value is val and index is i = output of the bst_insert function where input tree is tree, value is val and index is right
(link)if the following are true:
- val < a
- the element at index i of stack tree = node (a, (-1), right)
then output of the bst_insert function where input tree is tree, value is val and index is i = result of storing (node (a, (length of stack tree), right)) at index i of stack (result of appending (node (val, (-1), (-1))) to tree)
(link)if the following are true:
- val > a
- the element at index i of stack tree = node (a, left, (-1))
then output of the bst_insert function where input tree is tree, value is val and index is i = result of storing (node (a, left, (length of stack tree))) at index i of stack (result of appending (node (val, (-1), (-1))) to tree)
(link)if the following are true:
- not (left = index)
- not (right = index)
then find referece to node index in tree [ node (x, left, right), rest ] = find referece to node index in tree rest
(link)if the following are true:
- find root index in tree = ri
- the element at index ri of stack tree = node (root_val, left, right)
- the element at index left of stack tree = node (l_val, l_left, l_right)
- new_val < root_val
- new_val < l_val
then result of inserting new_val to tree tree = result of rotating (output of the bst_insert function where input tree is tree, value is new_val and index is ri) clockwise
(link)if the following are true:
- find root index in tree = ri
- the element at index ri of stack tree = node (root_val, left, right)
- the element at index left of stack tree = node (l_val, l_left, l_right)
- new_val < root_val
- new_val > l_val
then result of inserting new_val to tree tree = result of rotating (result of rotating (output of the bst_insert function where input tree is tree, value is new_val and index is ri) twice) clockwise
(link)if the following are true:
- find root index in tree = ri
- the element at index ri of stack tree = node (root_val, left, right)
- the element at index left of stack tree = node (l_val, l_left, l_right)
then result of rotating tree clockwise = result of storing (node (l_val, l_left, ri)) at index left of stack (result of storing (node (root_val, l_right, right)) at index ri of stack tree)
(link)if the following are true:
- find root index in tree = ri
- the element at index ri of stack tree = node (root_val, left, right)
- the element at index left of stack tree = node (l_val, l_left, g)
- the element at index g of stack tree = node (g_val, g_left, g_right)
then result of rotating tree twice = result of storing (node (root_val, g, right)) at index ri of stack (result of storing (node (g_val, left, g_right)) at index g of stack (result of storing (node (l_val, l_left, g_left)) at index left of stack tree))
(link)if the element at index i of stack tree = node (value, left, right), then find nearest largertree = find nearest largertree
(link)if the following are true:
- val < a
- the element at index i of stack tree = node (a, (-1), right)
then find nearest largertree = i
(link)if the following are true:
- val < a
- the element at index i of stack tree = node (a, left, right)
then find nearest largertree = find nearest largertree
(link)if the following are true:
- val > a
- the element at index i of stack tree = node (a, left, right)
then find nearest largertree = find nearest largertree
(link)if the following are true:
- val = a
- the element at index i of stack tree = node (a, left, right)
then find nearest largertree = find nearest largertree
(link)if the following are true:
- index of value value in tree = i
- the element at index i of stack tree = node (value, (-1), (-1))
- find parent index of tree = p
- the element at index p of stack tree = node (pval, pleft, i)
then pop value from tree tree = result of storing (node (pval, pleft, (-1))) at index p of stack tree
(link)if the following are true:
- index of value value in tree = i
- the element at index i of stack tree = node (value, left, (-1))
- the element at index left of stack tree = node (lvalue, lleft, lright)
- find parent index of tree = p
- the element at index p of stack tree = node (pval, pleft, i)
then pop value from tree tree = result of storing (node (value, (-1), (-1))) at index i of stack (result of storing (node (pval, pleft, left)) at index p of stack tree)
(link)if the following are true:
- index of value value in tree = i
- the element at index i of stack tree = node (value, (-1), right)
- the element at index right of stack tree = node (rvalue, rleft, rright)
- find parent index of tree = p
- the element at index p of stack tree = node (pval, i, pright)
then pop value from tree tree = result of storing (node (value, (-1), (-1))) at index i of stack (result of storing (node (pval, right, pright)) at index p of stack tree)
(link)if the following are true:
- index of value value in tree = i
- find nearest largertree = n
- the element at index n of stack tree = node (larger, nleft, nright)
- the element at index i of stack tree = node (value, left, right)
then pop value from tree tree = result of storing (node (larger, left, right)) at index i of stack (pop larger from tree tree)
(link)if the following are true:
- find root index in tree = ri
- the element at index ri of stack tree = node (rvalue, left, right)
- Height of a tree tree and index left = Height of a tree tree and index right
then result of balancing the tree tree = tree
(link)if the following are true:
- find root index in tree = ri
- the element at index ri of stack tree = node (rvalue, left, right)
- Height of a tree tree and index left > (Height of a tree tree and index right) + 1
- the element at index left of stack tree = node (lvalue, lleft, lright)
- Height of a tree tree and index lleft > Height of a tree tree and index lright
then result of balancing the tree tree = result of rotating tree clockwise
(link)if the following are true:
- find root index in tree = ri
- the element at index ri of stack tree = node (rvalue, left, right)
- Height of a tree tree and index left > (Height of a tree tree and index right) + 1
- the element at index left of stack tree = node (lvalue, lleft, lright)
- Height of a tree tree and index lleft < Height of a tree tree and index lright
then result of balancing the tree tree = result of rotating (result of rotating tree twice) clockwise
(link)if val < a, then tree (node (a, left, right)) contains val = tree left contains val
(link)if val > a, then tree (node (a, left, right)) contains val = tree right contains val
(link)if val = a, then tree (node (a, left, right)) contains val = True
(link)if val < a, then output of the bst_insert function where the input tree is (node (a, left, right)), value is val, visited is visited, and moves are moves = output of the bst_insert function where the input tree is left, value is val, visited is [ node (a, None, right), visited ], and moves are [ "L", moves ]
(link)if val > a, then output of the bst_insert function where the input tree is (node (a, left, right)), value is val, visited is visited, and moves are moves = output of the bst_insert function where the input tree is right, value is val, visited is [ node (a, left, None), visited ], and moves are [ "R", moves ]
(link)if val < a, then output of the bst_insert function where the input tree is (node (a, None, None)), value is val, visited is visited, and moves are moves = result of building the BST from nodes [ node (a, (node (val, None, None)), None), visited ] and moves moves
(link)if val > a, then output of the bst_insert function where the input tree is (node (a, None, None)), value is val, visited is visited, and moves are moves = result of building the BST from nodes [ node (a, None, (node (val, None, None))), visited ] and moves moves
(link)if height of tree left > height of tree right, then height of tree (node (v, left, right)) = (height of tree left) + 1
(link)if height of tree left < height of tree right, then height of tree (node (v, left, right)) = (height of tree right) + 1
(link)if height of tree left = height of tree right, then height of tree (node (v, left, right)) = (height of tree left) + 1
(link)if the following are true:
- height of tree (node (lv, ll, lr)) > (height of tree right) + 1
- height of tree ll > height of tree lr
then result of balancing the tree (node (v, (node (lv, ll, lr)), right)) = result of rotating (node (v, (node (lv, ll, lr)), right)) clockwise
(link)if the following are true:
- height of tree (node (lv, ll, lr)) > (height of tree right) + 1
- height of tree ll < height of tree lr
then result of balancing the tree (node (v, (node (lv, ll, lr)), right)) = result of rotating (node (v, (node (lv, ll, lr)), right)) twice
(link)if val < a, then output of the bst_delete function where input tree is (node (a, left, right)), value is val, visited is visited, and moves are moves = output of the bst_delete function where input tree is left, value is val, visited is [ node (a, None, right), visited ], and moves are [ "L", moves ]
(link)if val > a, then output of the bst_delete function where input tree is (node (a, left, right)), value is val, visited is visited, and moves are moves = output of the bst_delete function where input tree is right, value is val, visited is [ node (a, left, None), visited ], and moves are [ "R", moves ]
(link)if val = b, then output of the bst_delete function where input tree is (node (a, (node (b, None, (node (c, cl, cr)))), right)), value is val, visited is visited, and moves are moves = result of building the BST from nodes [ node (a, (node (c, cl, cr)), right), visited ] and moves moves
(link)if the following are true:
- val = a
- tree = node (a, (node (l, ll, lr)), (node (r, rl, rr)))
- smallest value in (node (r, rl, rr)) = near
then output of the bst_delete function where input tree is tree, value is val, visited is visited, and moves are moves = result of building the BST from nodes [ result of updating the root of (result of removing near from tree tree) with near, visited ] and moves moves
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