Find Method Map in Bases Property
This property tells us that, if we are looking for some method in a class definition, but the method is not there, then we need to look in the base classes of the class
if the following are true:
- value at class_name in map class_defs = class_def
- value at "methods" in map class_def = methods_map
- map methods_map contains key method_name = False
then definition of method method_name of class class_name in class_defs = definition of method method_name in base classes (value at "bases" in map class_def) in class_defs
Current Line | 1 | Current Tab | 0 | Time | 0 |
The "Class Definitions" map is as follows:
[ entry "Animal": [ entry "bases": [ ], [ entry "methods": [ entry "__init__": [ entry "params": [ self, [ ] ], [ entry "line": 2, [ ] ] ], [ entry "move": [ entry "params": [ self, [ ] ], [ entry "line": 5, [ ] ] ], [ ] ] ], [ entry "line": 1, [ ] ] ] ], [ entry "Dog": [ entry "bases": [ "Animal", [ ] ], [ entry "methods": [ entry "jump": [ entry "params": [ self, [ ] ], [ entry "line": 8, [ ] ] ], [ ] ], [ entry "line": 7, [ ] ] ] ], [ ] ] ]
Here is a table view:
Class Name | Class Key | Value | Method Key | Value |
Animal | line | 1 | ||
bases | [ ] | |||
methods | __init__ | params | self | |
line | 2 | |||
move | params | self | ||
line | 5 | |||
Dog | line | 7 | ||
bases | Animal | |||
methods | jump | params | self | |
line | 8 |
There are 2 entries, 1 for the "Animal" class and another for the "Dog" class.
For conciseness, let's say that the above map is equal to the variable "class_defs."
This property has 3 conditions. First:
value at "Dog" in map class_defs = [ entry "bases": [ "Animal", [ ] ], [ entry "methods": [ entry "jump": [ entry "params": [ self, [ ] ], [ entry "line": 8, [ ] ] ], [ ] ], [ entry "line": 7, [ ] ] ] ]
And this is the second condition:
value at "methods" in map [ entry "bases": [ "Animal", [ ] ], [ entry "methods": [ entry "jump": [ entry "params": [ self, [ ] ], [ entry "line": 8, [ ] ] ], [ ] ], [ entry "line": 7, [ ] ] ] ] = [ entry "jump": [ entry "params": [ self, [ ] ], [ entry "line": 8, [ ] ] ], [ ] ]
The second condition says that the "methods" map of the "Dog" class is:
[ entry "jump": [ entry "params": [ self, [ ] ], [ entry "line": 8, [ ] ] ], [ ] ]
Finally, here is the third condition, which says that the "methods" map of the "Dog" class does not contain the key "__init__":
map [ entry "jump": [ entry "params": [ self, [ ] ], [ entry "line": 8, [ ] ] ], [ ] ] contains key "__init__" = False
Given the conditions above, we can conclude the following:
definition of method "__init__" of class "Dog" in class_defs = definition of method "__init__" in base classes (value at "bases" in map [ entry "bases": [ "Animal", [ ] ], [ entry "methods": [ entry "jump": [ entry "params": [ self, [ ] ], [ entry "line": 8, [ ] ] ], [ ] ], [ entry "line": 7, [ ] ] ] ]) in class_defs
This says that the "Dog" class' "__init__" definition is equal to the "__init__" definition in one of the base classes of "Dog."
If we look carefully, we can see that the "Dog" class has 1 base class, which is "Animal." Thus, the "Dog" class will use the "__init__" definition of the "Animal" class.
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