Store Instruction Property 2
The store (STORE) instruction copies the value at memory cell #src to memory cell #destination, where destination is the value in memory cell #addr + imm. All other memory cells remain unchanged when this instruction is executed. More formally:
if the following are true:
- instruction #i is
store src=src addr=addr imm=imm
- the PC at time t = i
- not (other = (value of cell addr at time t) + imm)
then value of cell other at time (t + 1) = value of cell other at time t
In this example, the STORE instruction sets memory cell #4 to 9. Other cells are not affected by this instruction.
Memory Cells |
Program Counter | Time |
0 | 0 |
LW Computer Simulator
This example can be expressed as:
if the following are true:
- instruction #0 is
store src=5 addr=1 imm=1
- the PC at time 0 = 0
- not (2 = (value of cell 1 at time 0) + 1)
then value of cell 2 at time (0 + 1) = value of cell 2 at time 0
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