While Test State Property

If there is a "while" statement at the current line and tab, and the expression state is "not_expr" at time t, then at time t + 1, the expression state is updated to "begin_expr." More formally,

if the following are true:
  • the line at time t = i
  • the tab at time t = j
  • statement at line i, tab j = "while" statement with condition (function call with name: name and arguments: args)
  • expression state at time t = "not_expr"

then expression state at time (t + 1) = "begin_expr"

When Python sees an "while" statement, Python first evaluates the test.

For example, if the following are true:

  • the line at time 1 = 2
  • the tab at time 1 = 0
  • statement at line 2, tab 0 = while __lt__(a, 2):
  • expression state at time 1 = "not_expr"

then expression state at time (1 + 1) = "begin_expr"

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LW Python State
Current Line1Current Tab0Time0
LW Python Simulator


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