After the following program is executed, cell #3 will contain the 6th Fibonacci number (5).

We need at least 2 numbers before we can calculate sums, so we start with 0 and 1. But notice that 5 is the sum of the two previous numbers 2 and 3.

Memory Cells
Program Counter Time
0 0
LW Computer Simulator

Memory cell #1 contains the nth Fibonacci number (initially the 1st Fibonacci number 0).

Cell #2 contains the n + 1th Fibonacci number (initially the 2nd Fibonacci number 1).

Memory cell #4 contains the current count or index.

Cell #5 contains 4. In each iteration, the computer will increment #4 and finish when it reaches the value in cell #5.

The computer computes the next Fibonacci number by adding values in cells #1 and #2 and storing it in cell #3. Then, to prepare for the next iteration, the values are "moved down" 1: cell #2 is copied to cell #1 and cell #3 is copied to cell #2.

Then the counter increments by 1, and the computer jumps back to instruction #4, and the next iteration begins.

At the end of the program, cell #3 contains the 6th Fibonacci number.

Quiz (1 point)

Given that:
the PC at time 0 = 0
instruction #0 is addi dst=1 src=0 imm=0
instruction #1 is addi dst=2 src=0 imm=1
instruction #2 is addi dst=4 src=0 imm=0
instruction #3 is addi dst=5 src=0 imm=4
instruction #4 is add dst=3 src1=1 src2=2
instruction #5 is addi dst=1 src=2 imm=0
instruction #6 is addi dst=2 src=3 imm=0
instruction #7 is addi dst=4 src=4 imm=1
instruction #8 is beq left=4 right=5 imm=1
instruction #9 is jump imm=4

Prove that:
value of cell 3 at time 25 = 5

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