
A proof is a series of claims that lead to a conclusion. Some proofs are conditional, which means that the claims can only be made under certain conditions. Click on a statement to see the proof

Get Iterate End Expr 52
if the following are true:
  • expression state at time 52 = "iterate_args"
  • arguments stack at time 52 = [ [ ], [ ] ]
  • parent stack at time 52 = [ __mul__(value, 4), [ ] ]

then the expression at time 53 = __mul__(value, 4)

Get Iterate End Parent 52
if the following are true:
  • expression state at time 52 = "iterate_args"
  • arguments stack at time 52 = [ [ ], [ ] ]
  • parent stack at time 52 = [ __mul__(value, 4), [ ] ]

then parent stack at time 53 = [ ]

Get Iterate End Params 52
if the following are true:
  • expression state at time 52 = "iterate_args"
  • arguments stack at time 52 = [ [ ], [ ] ]
  • parent stack at time 52 = [ __mul__(value, 4), [ ] ]

then arguments stack at time 53 = [ ]

Do Value Stack At Unchanged 52
if the following are true:
  • expression state at time 52 = "iterate_args"
  • Value Stack at time 52 = [ [ 4, [ 3, [ ] ] ], [ ] ]

then Value Stack at time 53 = [ [ 4, [ 3, [ ] ] ], [ ] ]

Do Line At Unchanged 52
if the following are true:
  • expression state at time 52 = "iterate_args"
  • the line at time 52 = 3

then the line at time 53 = 3

Do Tab At Unchanged 52
if the following are true:
  • expression state at time 52 = "iterate_args"
  • the tab at time 52 = 1

then the tab at time 53 = 1

Do Stack At Unchanged 52
if the following are true:
  • expression state at time 52 = "iterate_args"
  • stack at time 52 = [ ]

then stack at time 53 = [ ]

Do Object Store At Unchanged 52
if the following are true:
  • expression state at time 52 = "iterate_args"
  • Python Object Store at time 52 = [ [1, 2, 3], [ ] ]

then Python Object Store at time 53 = [ [1, 2, 3], [ ] ]

Do Control Map At Unchanged 52
if the following are true:
  • expression state at time 52 = "iterate_args"
  • Control Map at time 52 = [ entry 0: (trio ("for", 2, [ ])), [ ] ]

then Control Map at time 53 = [ entry 0: (trio ("for", 2, [ ])), [ ] ]

Do Variables At Unchanged 52
if the following are true:
  • expression state at time 52 = "iterate_args"
  • Variables Map at time 52 = [ entry numbers: (Python reference 0), [ entry value: 3, [ entry x: 8, [ ] ] ] ]

then Variables Map at time 53 = [ entry numbers: (Python reference 0), [ entry value: 3, [ entry x: 8, [ ] ] ] ]

Do Class Defs At Unchanged 52
if the following are true:
  • expression state at time 52 = "iterate_args"
  • Class Map at time 52 = [ ]

then Class Map at time 53 = [ ]

Do Object Store At Unchanged 53
if the following are true:
  • expression state at time 53 = "call_function_begin"
  • the expression at time 53 = __mul__(value, 4)
  • Python Object Store at time 53 = [ [1, 2, 3], [ ] ]

then Python Object Store at time 54 = [ [1, 2, 3], [ ] ]

Write Call Function Begin Multiply Return Val 53
if the following are true:
  • expression state at time 53 = "call_function_begin"
  • Value Stack at time 53 = [ [ 4, [ 3, [ ] ] ], [ ] ]
  • the expression at time 53 = __mul__(value, 4)

then Return Value at time 54 = 12

Write Call Function Begin Next State 53
if the following are true:
  • expression state at time 53 = "call_function_begin"
  • parent stack at time 53 = [ ]
  • the expression at time 53 = __mul__(value, 4)

then expression state at time 54 = "end_expr"

Write Call Function Begin Value Stack 53
if the following are true:
  • expression state at time 53 = "call_function_begin"
  • Value Stack at time 53 = [ [ 4, [ 3, [ ] ] ], [ ] ]
  • the expression at time 53 = __mul__(value, 4)

then Value Stack at time 54 = [ ]

Do Arg Stack At Unchanged 53
if the following are true:
  • expression state at time 53 = "call_function_begin"
  • arguments stack at time 53 = [ ]

then arguments stack at time 54 = [ ]

Do Parent Stack At Unchanged 53
if the following are true:
  • expression state at time 53 = "call_function_begin"
  • parent stack at time 53 = [ ]

then parent stack at time 54 = [ ]

Do Control Map At Unchanged 53
if the following are true:
  • expression state at time 53 = "call_function_begin"
  • Control Map at time 53 = [ entry 0: (trio ("for", 2, [ ])), [ ] ]

then Control Map at time 54 = [ entry 0: (trio ("for", 2, [ ])), [ ] ]

Do Variables At Unchanged 53
if the following are true:
  • expression state at time 53 = "call_function_begin"
  • Variables Map at time 53 = [ entry numbers: (Python reference 0), [ entry value: 3, [ entry x: 8, [ ] ] ] ]

then Variables Map at time 54 = [ entry numbers: (Python reference 0), [ entry value: 3, [ entry x: 8, [ ] ] ] ]

Do Line At Unchanged 53
if the following are true:
  • expression state at time 53 = "call_function_begin"
  • the line at time 53 = 3

then the line at time 54 = 3

Do Tab At Unchanged 53
if the following are true:
  • expression state at time 53 = "call_function_begin"
  • the tab at time 53 = 1

then the tab at time 54 = 1

Do Stack At Unchanged 53
if the following are true:
  • expression state at time 53 = "call_function_begin"
  • stack at time 53 = [ ]

then stack at time 54 = [ ]

Do Class Defs At Unchanged 53
if the following are true:
  • expression state at time 53 = "call_function_begin"
  • Class Map at time 53 = [ ]

then Class Map at time 54 = [ ]

Do Set Key Value 54 0
result of storing 12 at key: x in map: [ entry numbers: (Python reference 0), [ entry value: 3, [ entry x: 8, [ ] ] ] ] = [ entry numbers: (Python reference 0), [ entry value: 3, [ entry x: 12, [ ] ] ] ]

Write Assign End Vars 54
if the following are true:
  • the line at time 54 = 3
  • the tab at time 54 = 1
  • statement at line 3, tab 1 = x = __mul__(value, 4)
  • expression state at time 54 = "end_expr"
  • Variables Map at time 54 = [ entry numbers: (Python reference 0), [ entry value: 3, [ entry x: 8, [ ] ] ] ]
  • Return Value at time 54 = 12

then Variables Map at time 55 = [ entry numbers: (Python reference 0), [ entry value: 3, [ entry x: 12, [ ] ] ] ]

Write Increment T And Val Line At 54
if the following are true:
  • the line at time 54 = 3
  • the tab at time 54 = 1
  • statement at line 3, tab 1 = x = __mul__(value, 4)
  • expression state at time 54 = "end_expr"

then the line at time 55 = 4

Write Stmt Tab At Unchanged Expr54
if the following are true:
  • the line at time 54 = 3
  • the tab at time 54 = 1
  • statement at line 3, tab 1 = x = __mul__(value, 4)
  • expression state at time 54 = "end_expr"

then the tab at time 55 = 1

Write Stmt Object Store At Unchanged Expr54
if the following are true:
  • the line at time 54 = 3
  • the tab at time 54 = 1
  • statement at line 3, tab 1 = x = __mul__(value, 4)
  • expression state at time 54 = "end_expr"
  • Python Object Store at time 54 = [ [1, 2, 3], [ ] ]

then Python Object Store at time 55 = [ [1, 2, 3], [ ] ]

Write Assign End Stack 54
if the following are true:
  • the line at time 54 = 3
  • the tab at time 54 = 1
  • statement at line 3, tab 1 = x = __mul__(value, 4)
  • stack at time 54 = [ ]
  • expression state at time 54 = "end_expr"

then stack at time 55 = [ ]

Write End to Not Expr 54
if expression state at time 54 = "end_expr", then expression state at time 55 = "not_expr"

Write Stmt Control Map At Unchanged 54
if the following are true:
  • the line at time 54 = 3
  • the tab at time 54 = 1
  • statement at line 3, tab 1 = x = __mul__(value, 4)
  • Control Map at time 54 = [ entry 0: (trio ("for", 2, [ ])), [ ] ]

then Control Map at time 55 = [ entry 0: (trio ("for", 2, [ ])), [ ] ]

Write Stmt Class Defs At Unchanged 54
if the following are true:
  • the line at time 54 = 3
  • the tab at time 54 = 1
  • statement at line 3, tab 1 = x = __mul__(value, 4)
  • Class Map at time 54 = [ ]

then Class Map at time 55 = [ ]

Do Get Key Value 55 0
value at 0 in map [ entry 0: (trio ("for", 2, [ ])), [ ] ] = trio ("for", 2, [ ])

Get Decrement Key Value Control Map At 55
if Control Map at time 55 = [ entry 0: (trio ("for", 2, [ ])), [ ] ], then value at (1 - 1) in map (Control Map at time 55) = trio ("for", 2, [ ])

Write End For Line 55
if the following are true:
  • the line at time 55 = 4
  • the tab at time 55 = 1
  • number of lines = 3
  • Control Map at time 55 = [ entry 0: (trio ("for", 2, [ ])), [ ] ]

then the line at time 56 = 2

Write End For Tab 55
if the following are true:
  • the line at time 55 = 4
  • the tab at time 55 = 1
  • number of lines = 3
  • Control Map at time 55 = [ entry 0: (trio ("for", 2, [ ])), [ ] ]

then the tab at time 56 = 0

Write End For Variables At 55
if the following are true:
  • the line at time 55 = 4
  • the tab at time 55 = 1
  • number of lines = 3
  • Control Map at time 55 = [ entry 0: (trio ("for", 2, [ ])), [ ] ]
  • Variables Map at time 55 = [ entry numbers: (Python reference 0), [ entry value: 3, [ entry x: 12, [ ] ] ] ]

then Variables Map at time 56 = [ entry numbers: (Python reference 0), [ entry value: 3, [ entry x: 12, [ ] ] ] ]

Write End For Stack At 55
if the following are true:
  • the line at time 55 = 4
  • the tab at time 55 = 1
  • number of lines = 3
  • Control Map at time 55 = [ entry 0: (trio ("for", 2, [ ])), [ ] ]
  • stack at time 55 = [ ]

then stack at time 56 = [ ]

Write End For Object Store At 55
if the following are true:
  • the line at time 55 = 4
  • the tab at time 55 = 1
  • number of lines = 3
  • Control Map at time 55 = [ entry 0: (trio ("for", 2, [ ])), [ ] ]
  • Python Object Store at time 55 = [ [1, 2, 3], [ ] ]

then Python Object Store at time 56 = [ [1, 2, 3], [ ] ]

Write End For Control Map At 55
if the following are true:
  • the line at time 55 = 4
  • the tab at time 55 = 1
  • number of lines = 3
  • Control Map at time 55 = [ entry 0: (trio ("for", 2, [ ])), [ ] ]

then Control Map at time 56 = [ entry 0: (trio ("for", 2, [ ])), [ ] ]

Write End For Class Defs At 55
if the following are true:
  • the line at time 55 = 4
  • the tab at time 55 = 1
  • number of lines = 3
  • Control Map at time 55 = [ entry 0: (trio ("for", 2, [ ])), [ ] ]
  • Class Map at time 55 = [ ]

then Class Map at time 56 = [ ]

Do Get Key Value 56 0
value at 0 in map [ entry 0: (trio ("for", 2, [ ])), [ ] ] = trio ("for", 2, [ ])

Get Key Value Control Map At 56
if Control Map at time 56 = [ entry 0: (trio ("for", 2, [ ])), [ ] ], then value at 0 in map (Control Map at time 56) = trio ("for", 2, [ ])

End For Loop Line Property Example
if the following are true:
  • the line at time 56 = 2
  • the tab at time 56 = 0
  • statement at line 2, tab 0 = for value in numbers:
  • Control Map at time 56 = [ entry 0: (trio ("for", 2, [ ])), [ ] ]

then the line at time 57 = 3

End For Loop Tab Property Example
if the following are true:
  • the line at time 56 = 2
  • the tab at time 56 = 0
  • statement at line 2, tab 0 = for value in numbers:
  • Control Map at time 56 = [ entry 0: (trio ("for", 2, [ ])), [ ] ]

then the tab at time 57 = 0

Write For Iterate Expr State At 56
if the following are true:
  • the line at time 56 = 2
  • the tab at time 56 = 0
  • statement at line 2, tab 0 = for value in numbers:
  • Control Map at time 56 = [ entry 0: (trio ("for", 2, [ ])), [ ] ]

then expression state at time 57 = "not_expr"

Write For Iterate Stack At Unchanged 56
if the following are true:
  • the line at time 56 = 2
  • the tab at time 56 = 0
  • statement at line 2, tab 0 = for value in numbers:
  • Control Map at time 56 = [ entry 0: (trio ("for", 2, [ ])), [ ] ]
  • stack at time 56 = [ ]

then stack at time 57 = [ ]

Write For Iterate Object Store At Unchanged 56
if the following are true:
  • the line at time 56 = 2
  • the tab at time 56 = 0
  • statement at line 2, tab 0 = for value in numbers:
  • Control Map at time 56 = [ entry 0: (trio ("for", 2, [ ])), [ ] ]
  • Python Object Store at time 56 = [ [1, 2, 3], [ ] ]

then Python Object Store at time 57 = [ [1, 2, 3], [ ] ]

Write For Iterate Variables At Unchanged 56
if the following are true:
  • the line at time 56 = 2
  • the tab at time 56 = 0
  • statement at line 2, tab 0 = for value in numbers:
  • Control Map at time 56 = [ entry 0: (trio ("for", 2, [ ])), [ ] ]
  • Variables Map at time 56 = [ entry numbers: (Python reference 0), [ entry value: 3, [ entry x: 12, [ ] ] ] ]

then Variables Map at time 57 = [ entry numbers: (Python reference 0), [ entry value: 3, [ entry x: 12, [ ] ] ] ]

Write For Iterate Class Defs At Unchanged 56
if the following are true:
  • the line at time 56 = 2
  • the tab at time 56 = 0
  • statement at line 2, tab 0 = for value in numbers:
  • Control Map at time 56 = [ entry 0: (trio ("for", 2, [ ])), [ ] ]
  • Class Map at time 56 = [ ]

then Class Map at time 57 = [ ]

Write For Iterate Control Map At Unchanged 56
if the following are true:
  • the line at time 56 = 2
  • the tab at time 56 = 0
  • statement at line 2, tab 0 = for value in numbers:
  • Control Map at time 56 = [ entry 0: (trio ("for", 2, [ ])), [ ] ]

then Control Map at time 57 = [ entry 0: (trio ("for", 2, [ ])), [ ] ]

Write Skip Line Line 57
if the following are true:
  • the line at time 57 = 3
  • the tab at time 57 = 0
  • statement at line 3, tab 1 = x = value * 4

then the line at time 58 = 4

Write Skip Line Tab 57
if the following are true:
  • the line at time 57 = 3
  • the tab at time 57 = 0
  • statement at line 3, tab 1 = x = value * 4

then the tab at time 58 = 0

Write Skip Line Variables At 57
if the following are true:
  • the line at time 57 = 3
  • the tab at time 57 = 0
  • statement at line 3, tab 1 = x = value * 4
  • Variables Map at time 57 = [ entry numbers: (Python reference 0), [ entry value: 3, [ entry x: 12, [ ] ] ] ]

then Variables Map at time 58 = [ entry numbers: (Python reference 0), [ entry value: 3, [ entry x: 12, [ ] ] ] ]

Write Skip Line Stack At 57
if the following are true:
  • the line at time 57 = 3
  • the tab at time 57 = 0
  • statement at line 3, tab 1 = x = value * 4
  • stack at time 57 = [ ]

then stack at time 58 = [ ]

Write Skip Line Object Store At 57
if the following are true:
  • the line at time 57 = 3
  • the tab at time 57 = 0
  • statement at line 3, tab 1 = x = value * 4
  • Python Object Store at time 57 = [ [1, 2, 3], [ ] ]

then Python Object Store at time 58 = [ [1, 2, 3], [ ] ]

Write Skip Line Control Map At 57
if the following are true:
  • the line at time 57 = 3
  • the tab at time 57 = 0
  • statement at line 3, tab 1 = x = value * 4
  • Control Map at time 57 = [ entry 0: (trio ("for", 2, [ ])), [ ] ]

then Control Map at time 58 = [ entry 0: (trio ("for", 2, [ ])), [ ] ]

Write Skip Line Class Defs At 57
if the following are true:
  • the line at time 57 = 3
  • the tab at time 57 = 0
  • statement at line 3, tab 1 = x = value * 4
  • Class Map at time 57 = [ ]

then Class Map at time 58 = [ ]

Write Skip Line State 57
if the following are true:
  • the line at time 57 = 3
  • the tab at time 57 = 0
  • statement at line 3, tab 1 = x = value * 4

then expression state at time 58 = "not_expr"

Write Set Name Expr At on State 0
if the following are true:
  • the line at time 0 = 1
  • the tab at time 0 = 0
  • statement at line 1, tab 0 = numbers = [4, 7]
  • expression state at time 0 = "not_expr"

then the expression at time 1 = [4, 7]

Write Set Name Expr State At on State 0
if the following are true:
  • the line at time 0 = 1
  • the tab at time 0 = 0
  • statement at line 1, tab 0 = numbers = [4, 7]
  • expression state at time 0 = "not_expr"

then expression state at time 1 = "begin_expr"

Write Set Name Line At on State 0
if the following are true:
  • the line at time 0 = 1
  • the tab at time 0 = 0
  • statement at line 1, tab 0 = numbers = [4, 7]
  • expression state at time 0 = "not_expr"

then the line at time 1 = 1

Write Set Name Tab At on State 0
if the following are true:
  • the line at time 0 = 1
  • the tab at time 0 = 0
  • statement at line 1, tab 0 = numbers = [4, 7]
  • expression state at time 0 = "not_expr"

then the tab at time 1 = 0

Write Set Name Value Stack At on State 0
if the following are true:
  • the line at time 0 = 1
  • the tab at time 0 = 0
  • statement at line 1, tab 0 = numbers = [4, 7]
  • expression state at time 0 = "not_expr"

then Value Stack at time 1 = [ ]

Write Set Name Parent Stack At on State 0
if the following are true:
  • the line at time 0 = 1
  • the tab at time 0 = 0
  • statement at line 1, tab 0 = numbers = [4, 7]
  • expression state at time 0 = "not_expr"

then parent stack at time 1 = [ ]

Write Set Name Arg Stack At on State 0
if the following are true:
  • the line at time 0 = 1
  • the tab at time 0 = 0
  • statement at line 1, tab 0 = numbers = [4, 7]
  • expression state at time 0 = "not_expr"

then arguments stack at time 1 = [ ]

Write Stmt Variables At Unchanged Expr0
if the following are true:
  • the line at time 0 = 1
  • the tab at time 0 = 0
  • statement at line 1, tab 0 = numbers = [4, 7]
  • expression state at time 0 = "not_expr"
  • Variables Map at time 0 = [ ]

then Variables Map at time 1 = [ ]

Write Stmt Stack At Unchanged Expr0
if the following are true:
  • the line at time 0 = 1
  • the tab at time 0 = 0
  • statement at line 1, tab 0 = numbers = [4, 7]
  • expression state at time 0 = "not_expr"
  • stack at time 0 = [ ]

then stack at time 1 = [ ]

Write Stmt Object Store At Unchanged Expr0
if the following are true:
  • the line at time 0 = 1
  • the tab at time 0 = 0
  • statement at line 1, tab 0 = numbers = [4, 7]
  • expression state at time 0 = "not_expr"
  • Python Object Store at time 0 = [ ]

then Python Object Store at time 1 = [ ]

Write Stmt Control Map At Unchanged 0
if the following are true:
  • the line at time 0 = 1
  • the tab at time 0 = 0
  • statement at line 1, tab 0 = numbers = [4, 7]
  • Control Map at time 0 = [ ]

then Control Map at time 1 = [ ]

Write Stmt Class Defs At Unchanged 0
if the following are true:
  • the line at time 0 = 1
  • the tab at time 0 = 0
  • statement at line 1, tab 0 = numbers = [4, 7]
  • Class Map at time 0 = [ ]

then Class Map at time 1 = [ ]

Get Begin Expr Value 1
if the following are true:
  • expression state at time 1 = "begin_expr"
  • the expression at time 1 = [4, 7]
  • Value Stack at time 1 = [ ]

then Value Stack at time 2 = [ [ ], [ ] ]

Get Begin Expr Parent 1
if the following are true:
  • expression state at time 1 = "begin_expr"
  • the expression at time 1 = [4, 7]
  • parent stack at time 1 = [ ]

then parent stack at time 2 = [ [4, 7], [ ] ]

Get Begin Expr Params 1
if the following are true:
  • expression state at time 1 = "begin_expr"
  • the expression at time 1 = [4, 7]
  • arguments stack at time 1 = [ ]

then arguments stack at time 2 = [ [ 4, [ 7, [ ] ] ], [ ] ]

Get Begin Expr Call State 1
if the following are true:
  • expression state at time 1 = "begin_expr"
  • the expression at time 1 = [4, 7]

then expression state at time 2 = "iterate_args"

Do Expr At Unchanged 1
if the following are true:
  • expression state at time 1 = "begin_expr"
  • the expression at time 1 = [4, 7]

then the expression at time 2 = [4, 7]

Do Variables At Unchanged 1
if the following are true:
  • expression state at time 1 = "begin_expr"
  • Variables Map at time 1 = [ ]

then Variables Map at time 2 = [ ]

Do Line At Unchanged 1
if the following are true:
  • expression state at time 1 = "begin_expr"
  • the line at time 1 = 1

then the line at time 2 = 1

Do Tab At Unchanged 1
if the following are true:
  • expression state at time 1 = "begin_expr"
  • the tab at time 1 = 0

then the tab at time 2 = 0

Do Stack At Unchanged 1
if the following are true:
  • expression state at time 1 = "begin_expr"
  • stack at time 1 = [ ]

then stack at time 2 = [ ]

Do Object Store At Unchanged 1
if the following are true:
  • expression state at time 1 = "begin_expr"
  • Python Object Store at time 1 = [ ]

then Python Object Store at time 2 = [ ]

Do Control Map At Unchanged 1
if the following are true:
  • expression state at time 1 = "begin_expr"
  • Control Map at time 1 = [ ]

then Control Map at time 2 = [ ]

Do Class Defs At Unchanged 1
if the following are true:
  • expression state at time 1 = "begin_expr"
  • Class Map at time 1 = [ ]

then Class Map at time 2 = [ ]

Get Iterate Expr 2
if the following are true:
  • expression state at time 2 = "iterate_args"
  • arguments stack at time 2 = [ [ 4, [ 7, [ ] ] ], [ ] ]

then the expression at time 3 = 4

Get Iterate Params 2
if the following are true:
  • expression state at time 2 = "iterate_args"
  • arguments stack at time 2 = [ [ 4, [ 7, [ ] ] ], [ ] ]

then arguments stack at time 3 = [ [ 7, [ ] ], [ ] ]

Get Iterate State 2
if the following are true:
  • expression state at time 2 = "iterate_args"
  • arguments stack at time 2 = [ [ 4, [ 7, [ ] ] ], [ ] ]

then expression state at time 3 = "begin_expr"

Get Iterate Parent 2
if the following are true:
  • expression state at time 2 = "iterate_args"
  • arguments stack at time 2 = [ [ 4, [ 7, [ ] ] ], [ ] ]
  • parent stack at time 2 = [ [4, 7], [ ] ]

then parent stack at time 3 = [ [4, 7], [ ] ]

Do Value Stack At Unchanged 2
if the following are true:
  • expression state at time 2 = "iterate_args"
  • Value Stack at time 2 = [ [ ], [ ] ]

then Value Stack at time 3 = [ [ ], [ ] ]

Do Line At Unchanged 2
if the following are true:
  • expression state at time 2 = "iterate_args"
  • the line at time 2 = 1

then the line at time 3 = 1

Do Tab At Unchanged 2
if the following are true:
  • expression state at time 2 = "iterate_args"
  • the tab at time 2 = 0

then the tab at time 3 = 0

Do Stack At Unchanged 2
if the following are true:
  • expression state at time 2 = "iterate_args"
  • stack at time 2 = [ ]

then stack at time 3 = [ ]

Do Object Store At Unchanged 2
if the following are true:
  • expression state at time 2 = "iterate_args"
  • Python Object Store at time 2 = [ ]

then Python Object Store at time 3 = [ ]

Do Control Map At Unchanged 2
if the following are true:
  • expression state at time 2 = "iterate_args"
  • Control Map at time 2 = [ ]

then Control Map at time 3 = [ ]

Do Variables At Unchanged 2
if the following are true:
  • expression state at time 2 = "iterate_args"
  • Variables Map at time 2 = [ ]

then Variables Map at time 3 = [ ]

Do Class Defs At Unchanged 2
if the following are true:
  • expression state at time 2 = "iterate_args"
  • Class Map at time 2 = [ ]

then Class Map at time 3 = [ ]

Get Begin Expr State 3
if the following are true:
  • the expression at time 3 = 4
  • expression state at time 3 = "begin_expr"
  • 4 is constant
  • parent stack at time 3 = [ [4, 7], [ ] ]

then expression state at time 4 = "return"

Get Begin Expr Value Unchaged 3
if the following are true:
  • the expression at time 3 = 4
  • expression state at time 3 = "begin_expr"
  • 4 is constant
  • Value Stack at time 3 = [ [ ], [ ] ]

then Value Stack at time 4 = [ [ ], [ ] ]

Get Begin Expr Params Unchanged3
if the following are true:
  • the expression at time 3 = 4
  • expression state at time 3 = "begin_expr"
  • 4 is constant
  • arguments stack at time 3 = [ [ 7, [ ] ], [ ] ]

then arguments stack at time 4 = [ [ 7, [ ] ], [ ] ]

Get Begin Expr Return 3
if the following are true:
  • expression state at time 3 = "begin_expr"
  • the expression at time 3 = 4
  • 4 is constant

then Return Value at time 4 = 4

Get Begin Expr Const Parent 3
if the following are true:
  • expression state at time 3 = "begin_expr"
  • the expression at time 3 = 4
  • 4 is constant
  • parent stack at time 3 = [ [4, 7], [ ] ]

then parent stack at time 4 = [ [4, 7], [ ] ]

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