Fixed Value Statement

A fixed value statement is a mathematical equality comparison that only contains fixed (constant) input. In other words, fixed value statements do not contain variables. As with all statements, fixed value statements are either true or false.

Examples of fixed value statements:

1 + 2 = 3

18 = 6 ⋅ 3

cosine of 30 = 1/2

Examples that are not fixed value statements:

x⋅7 = 35

5 + 7 = y

In Logicwalk, fixed value statements can be used in proofs as facts without having to prove them.

Logicwalk's proof checker will automatically compute the left side of the equal sign and compare this to the right side to see if the statement is true. We could prove statements like this, using properties of arithmetic, but such proofs do not provide a lot of value since everyone is familiar with basic arithmetic.


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