Algebra 1 / Chapter 6: Exponentiation / Power Properties

Power of a Power

Consider the following:


xm multiplies x, m times. And (xm)n multiplies xm, n times. Thus, (xm)n multiplies x, m ⋅ n times.

x(m ⋅ n) also multiplies x, m ⋅ n times. Thus:

(xm)n = x(mn)

Here are some examples:

(23)4 = 23 ⋅ 4 = 212

((a + 3)6)9 = (a + 3)6 ⋅ 9 = (a + 3)54

Quiz (1 point)

Consider the following:

(32)4 = (3z)

What is z?

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