

String is used as input in the following functions:

function call with name: name and arguments: args
object.attribute = value
function definition where name: name and parameters: params
there is a function named name with parameters params at line line
a class named name with bases: bases
there is a class named name at line line
a method named method_name with parameters params
there is a method named method_name with parameters params at line line
program context with variables: vars and expression state: expr_state and control map: in_block
Python constructor with name: class_name and arguments: arguments
Python super reference index class
definition of method method_name of class class_name in class_defs
definition of method method_name in base classes bases in class_defs
method parameters where the Class Map is class_defs, class name is class_name, and method name is method_name
line number of method method_name of class class_name in class_defs

String is used as output in the following functions:

"break" state at s
"continue" state at s
expression state at time s
expression state with parent stack: parent_stack arguments: arg_stack values: value_stack line: line tab: tab
expression state with expression stack: expr_stack values: value_stack line: line tab: tab
type of expression


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