Function index of value n in x with current index i

helper for the find number function that tracks the current stack index in i while looking for n in x


index of value n in x with current index i


list x -
list n -
list i -


list - None

Properties that reference this function:

index of value value in numbers = index of value value in numbers with current index [ 0, [ ] ] (Find Number Bits)
index of value v in els = index of value v in els with current index 0 (Find Number)

Conditional properties that reference this function:

  • if are_equal_list(number, value): find_number_index([number, remain], value, index) == index (link)
  • if el = val, then index of value val in [ el, remain ] with current index idx = idx (link)
  • if are_not_equal_list(number, value): find_number_index([number, remain], value, index) == find_number_index(remain, value, add_uint(index, [1, []])) (link)
  • if not (el = val), then index of value val in [ el, remain ] with current index idx = index of value val in remain with current index (idx + 1) (link)


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