
A collection of values

List is used as input in the following functions:

sum of a b and carry bit c
sum of unsigned integers a and b
decrement a by 1
list x and xs
x multiplied by y
compare bit stack x and bit stack y
compare numbers x and y
minimum value of stack x
index of the mininum value in stack x
maximum value in stack x
index of the maximum value in stack x
result of sorting x
result of sorting x with sorted stack y
the element at index i of stack x
result of storing value at index idx of stack x
set index idx of remaining stack x to value with visited : parsed
remaining elements after x is popped at index i
remaining elements after x is popped at index i and visited stack is result
popped value from stack x at index i
stack after popping a value from stack x at index i
stack after popping a value from stack x at index i in traversed elements: result
length of stack x
length of remaining stack x with count count
stack x contains value
x is less than y
x is greater than y
index of value n in x
index of value n in x with current index i
index of value n in x
output of the index_compute function where the input stack is s, value is n, and index is i
index of value n in x
index of value n in x with current index i
x = y
bit x minus bit y
reverse of x
reverse of remaining stack x and already reversed stack r
result of dumping y to x
reverse and insert y to the beginning of x
result of appending y to xs
join lists x and y
function call with name: name and arguments: args
expression state with parent stack: parent_stack arguments: arg_stack values: value_stack line: line tab: tab
expression state with expression stack: expr_stack values: value_stack line: line tab: tab
function definition where name: name and parameters: params
there is a function named name with parameters params at line line
a class named name with bases: bases
there is a class named name at line line
a method named method_name with parameters params
there is a method named method_name with parameters params at line line
program context with variables: vars and expression state: expr_state and control map: in_block
program context where Local Variables Map: variables, Expression Stack: expr_stack, Values Stack: values_stack, Line: line, Tab: tab, and Control Map: control_map
result of storing value at key: key in map: vars
output of function store_compute where input key is key, value is value, map is vars, and processed map is visited
value at key in map vars
map entries contains key key
result of deleting the entry with key key from map entries
output of function delete_entry where input key is key, map is entries, and processed is processed
Python list elements
Python dictionary entries
Python object: attrs
Python constructor with name: class_name and arguments: arguments
definition of method method_name of class class_name in class_defs
definition of method method_name of base classes bases in class_defs
method parameters where the Class Map is class_defs, class name is class_name, and method name is method_name
line number of method method_name of class class_name in class_defs
map map_a does not contain a for loop entry at line: line and tab: tab
towers of hanoi towers
length of elements is odd
length of elements is even
move disk towers is even
move disk towers
move one towers
get subtowertower
get subtower maptower
towers of hanoi top disks towers
towers of hanoi top towers
height of tree n
Height of a tree tree and index index
node (value, children)
result of inserting value to tree tree
output of the bst_insert function where input tree is tree, value is value and index is index
output of the bst_insert function where the input tree is tree, value is value, visited is visited, and moves are moves
result of removing value from tree tree
pop value from tree tree
output of the bst_delete function where input tree is tree, value is value, visited is visited, and moves are moves
result of balancing the tree tree
result of rotating tree clockwise
result of rotating tree twice
find referece to node index in tree tree
find root index in tree
find parent index of tree
find parent index of tree
find nearest largertree
find nearest largertree
result of building the BST from nodes nodes and moves moves
result of halving the stack s
output of the halve stack function where input stack is s, other stack is other, and count is value
result of merge sorting s
result of merging stacks s1 and s2
output of the merge_stacks function where input stacks are s1 and s2, and merged stack is r
get adjacent nodes nodes
get adjacent nodes helpnodes
children of the node at backwards index index of tree tree in graph graph
children of the node value in graph graph
get children help graph
output of the find_neighbors function where the input graph is graph, node is value, and children are children
result of adding elements to tree nodes as children of the node at backwards index index
result of pushing values elements to tree tree
maximum value in graph
spanning tree of graph graph starting at node root
spanning tree of graph
output of the spanning_tree function where the input graph is graph, backwards index is index, and the spanning tree is tree
tree tree contains value
elements of values that are not in tree tree
output of the not_in_tree function where the input tree is tree, the values are values, and the new values are result
result of pushing nodes elements into tree tree where parent is index and parent distance is distance
shortest path from node value to every other node in graph graph
output of the shortest_path function where the input graph is graph, backwards index is index, and tree is tree
result of adding or updating children pairs of the node at backwards index index in tree tree
result of splitting pairs into nodes that exist in the tree tree and new nodes
output of the separate_nodes function where the input tree is tree, the nodes are pairs, the existing group is old, and the new group is new
result of updating nodes children in tree tree with parent index index and parent distance distance
spanning DFT tree of graph graph starting from value
output of the build_dft_tree function where input graph is graph, tree is tree, and neighbor stack is stack
nodes with values values and parent parent
output of the make_nodes function where input values are values, parent is parent, and nodes are result

List is used as output in the following functions:

sum of a b and carry bit c
sum of unsigned integers a and b
decrement a by 1
empty list
list x and xs
x multiplied by y
compare bit x and bit y
compare bit stack x and bit stack y
compare numbers x and y
minimum value of stack x
index of the mininum value in stack x
maximum value in stack x
index of the maximum value in stack x
result of sorting x
result of sorting x with sorted stack y
the element at index i of stack x
result of storing value at index idx of stack x
set index idx of remaining stack x to value with visited : parsed
remaining elements after x is popped at index i
remaining elements after x is popped at index i and visited stack is result
stack after popping a value from stack x at index i
stack after popping a value from stack x at index i in traversed elements: result
length of remaining stack x with count count
index of value n in x
index of value n in x with current index i
bit x minus bit y
reverse of x
reverse of remaining stack x and already reversed stack r
result of dumping y to x
reverse and insert y to the beginning of x
result of appending y to xs
x in bits
"if" map at time s
'while stack' at time s
Value Stack at time s
parent stack at time s
arguments stack at time s
Return Value at time s
Class Map at time time
stack at time s
Argument Values at time s
Variables Map at time s
Parameters List at time s
Parameters List at time s
Function Variables Map at time s
result of storing value at key: key in map: vars
output of function store_compute where input key is key, value is value, map is vars, and processed map is visited
result of deleting the entry with key key from map entries
output of function delete_entry where input key is key, map is entries, and processed is processed
Python Object Store at time t
Control Map at time t
definition of method method_name of class class_name in class_defs
definition of method method_name of base classes bases in class_defs
method parameters where the Class Map is class_defs, class name is class_name, and method name is method_name
line number of method method_name of class class_name in class_defs
Expression Stack at time s
Context Stack at time s
towers of hanoi towers
move disk towers is even
move disk towers
move one towers
get subtowertower
get subtower maptower
towers of hanoi top disks towers
towers of hanoi top towers
tree node contains value
result of inserting value to tree tree
output of the bst_insert function where input tree is tree, value is value and index is index
output of the bst_insert function where the input tree is tree, value is value, visited is visited, and moves are moves
result of removing value from tree tree
pop value from tree tree
output of the bst_delete function where input tree is tree, value is value, visited is visited, and moves are moves
result of balancing the tree tree
result of rotating tree clockwise
result of rotating tree twice
result of halving the stack s
output of the halve stack function where input stack is s, other stack is other, and count is value
result of merge sorting s
get adjacent nodes nodes
get adjacent nodes helpnodes
children of the node at backwards index index of tree tree in graph graph
children of the node value in graph graph
get children help graph
output of the find_neighbors function where the input graph is graph, node is value, and children are children
result of adding elements to tree nodes as children of the node at backwards index index
result of pushing values elements to tree tree
spanning tree of graph graph starting at node root
spanning tree of graph
output of the spanning_tree function where the input graph is graph, backwards index is index, and the spanning tree is tree
elements of values that are not in tree tree
output of the not_in_tree function where the input tree is tree, the values are values, and the new values are result
result of pushing nodes elements into tree tree where parent is index and parent distance is distance
shortest path from node value to every other node in graph graph
output of the shortest_path function where the input graph is graph, backwards index is index, and tree is tree
result of adding or updating children pairs of the node at backwards index index in tree tree
edge (left, right, weight)
node (value, distance, index)
result of splitting pairs into nodes that exist in the tree tree and new nodes
output of the separate_nodes function where the input tree is tree, the nodes are pairs, the existing group is old, and the new group is new
result of updating nodes children in tree tree with parent index index and parent distance distance
spanning DFT tree of graph graph starting from value
output of the build_dft_tree function where input graph is graph, tree is tree, and neighbor stack is stack
nodes with values values and parent parent
output of the make_nodes function where input values are values, parent is parent, and nodes are result


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