Function towers of hanoi top disks towers

towers of hanoi top disks towers.


towers of hanoi top disks towers


list towers -
number src -
number dst -
number count -


list - None

Properties that reference this function:

towers of hanoi top disks towers = towers of hanoi top disks (towers of hanoi top towers) (Towers of Hanoi Top Disks)
towers of hanoi top disks towers = towers (Towers of Hanoi Top Disks Finished)

Conditional properties that reference this function:

  • if the following are true:
    • the element at index src of stack towers = src_tower
    • get subtowersrc_tower = sub_tower
    • length of sub_tower is even

    then towers of hanoi towers = towers of hanoi top disks towers

  • if the following are true:
    • the element at index src of stack towers = src_tower
    • get subtowersrc_tower = sub_tower
    • length of sub_tower is odd

    then towers of hanoi towers = towers of hanoi top disks towers



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