Function output of the build_dft_tree function where input graph is graph, tree is tree, and neighbor stack is stack
output of the build_dft_tree function where input graph is graph, tree is tree, and neighbor stack is stack
list graph -
list tree -
list stack -
list - None
Properties that reference this function:
spanning DFT tree of graph graph starting from v = output of the build_dft_tree function where input graph is graph, tree is [ ], and neighbor stack is [ node (v, None), [ ] ] (construct depth first search tree begin)
output of the build_dft_tree function where input graph is graph, tree is tree, and neighbor stack is [ ] = tree (depth first search tree finished)
Conditional properties that reference this function:
if the following are true:
- children of the node top in graph graph = children
- elements of children that are not in tree tree = new_elements
- nodes with values new_elements and parent top = final_elems
- result of dumping final_elems to rest = new_stack
then output of the build_dft_tree function where input graph is graph, tree is tree, and neighbor stack is [ node (top, parent), rest ] = output of the build_dft_tree function where input graph is graph, tree is [ node (top, parent), tree ], and neighbor stack is new_stack
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