Function result of storing value at index idx of stack x
set index idx of stack x to value
result of storing value at index idx of stack x
Properties that reference this function:
Conditional properties that reference this function:
if the following are true:
- Expression Stack at time t = [ [ ], [ [
, ys ], rest ] ] - Value Stack at time t = [ [ value, [ ] ], [ next_level, other_levels ] ]
- value at obj in map (Variables Map at time t) = Python reference idx
- the element at index idx of stack (Python Object Store at time t) = Python list entries
then Python Object Store at time (t + 1) = result of storing (Python list (result of appending value to entries)) at index idx of stack (Python Object Store at time t)
(link)- Expression Stack at time t = [ [ ], [ [
if the following are true:
- Value Stack at time t = [ [ a, [ ] ], [ next_level, other_levels ] ]
- Expression Stack at time t = [ [ ], [ [ name."pop"(args), ys ], rest ] ]
- value at name in map (Variables Map at time t) = Python reference idx
- the element at index idx of stack (Python Object Store at time t) = Python list entries
then Python Object Store at time (t + 1) = result of storing (Python list (stack after popping a value from stack entries at index a)) at index idx of stack (Python Object Store at time t)
(link)if the following are true:
- Expression Stack at time t = [ [ ], [ [ function call with name: "__setitem__" and arguments: args, ys ], rest ] ]
- Value Stack at time t = [ [ value, [ key, [ Python reference idx, [ ] ] ] ], [ next_level, other_levels ] ]
- the element at index idx of stack (Python Object Store at time t) = Python dictionary entries
then Python Object Store at time (t + 1) = result of storing (Python dictionary (result of storing value at key: key in map: entries)) at index idx of stack (Python Object Store at time t)
(link)if the following are true:
- Expression Stack at time t = [ [ ], [ [ function call with name: "__setitem__" and arguments: args, ys ], rest ] ]
- Value Stack at time t = [ [ value, [ key, [ Python reference idx, [ ] ] ] ], [ next_level, other_levels ] ]
- the element at index idx of stack (Python Object Store at time t) = Python list elements
then Python Object Store at time (t + 1) = result of storing (Python list (result of storing value at index key of stack elements)) at index idx of stack (Python Object Store at time t)
(link)if the following are true:
- Expression Stack at time t = [ [ ], [ [ obj.attribute = val, ys ], rest ] ]
- Value Stack at time t = [ [ value, [ Python reference idx, [ ] ] ], [ next_level, other_levels ] ]
- the element at index idx of stack (Python Object Store at time t) = Python object: entries
then Python Object Store at time (t + 1) = result of storing (Python object: (result of storing value at key: attribute in map: entries)) at index idx of stack (Python Object Store at time t)
(link)if the following are true:
- expression state at time t = "call_function_begin"
- Value Stack at time t = [ [ value, [ ] ], stack ]
- the expression at time t =
- value at obj in map (Variables Map at time t) = Python reference idx
- the element at index idx of stack (Python Object Store at time t) = Python list entries
then Python Object Store at time (t + 1) = result of storing (Python list (result of appending value to entries)) at index idx of stack (Python Object Store at time t)
(link)if the following are true:
- expression state at time t = "call_function_begin"
- Value Stack at time t = [ [ a, [ ] ], stack ]
- the expression at time t = name."pop"(args)
- value at obj in map (Variables Map at time t) = Python reference idx
- the element at index idx of stack (Python Object Store at time t) = Python list entries
then Python Object Store at time (t + 1) = result of storing (Python list (stack after popping a value from stack entries at index a)) at index idx of stack (Python Object Store at time t)
(link)if the following are true:
- expression state at time t = "call_function_begin"
- Value Stack at time t = [ [ value, [ key, [ Python reference idx, [ ] ] ] ], stack ]
- the expression at time t = function call with name: "__setitem__" and arguments: [ obj, rest ]
- the element at index idx of stack (Python Object Store at time t) = Python dictionary entries
then Python Object Store at time (t + 1) = result of storing (Python dictionary (result of storing value at key: key in map: entries)) at index idx of stack (Python Object Store at time t)
(link)if the following are true:
- expression state at time t = "call_function_begin"
- Value Stack at time t = [ [ value, [ key, [ Python reference idx, [ ] ] ] ], stack ]
- the expression at time t = function call with name: "__setitem__" and arguments: [ obj, rest ]
- the element at index idx of stack (Python Object Store at time t) = Python list elements
then Python Object Store at time (t + 1) = result of storing (Python list (result of storing value at index key of stack elements)) at index idx of stack (Python Object Store at time t)
(link)if the following are true:
- expression state at time t = "call_function_begin"
- Value Stack at time t = [ [ value, [ Python reference idx, [ ] ] ], stack ]
- the expression at time t = obj.attribute = val
- the element at index idx of stack (Python Object Store at time t) = Python object: entries
then Python Object Store at time (t + 1) = result of storing (Python object: (result of storing value at key: attribute in map: entries)) at index idx of stack (Python Object Store at time t)
(link)if the following are true:
- val < a
- the element at index i of stack tree = node (a, (-1), right)
then output of the bst_insert function where input tree is tree, value is val and index is i = result of storing (node (a, (length of stack tree), right)) at index i of stack (result of appending (node (val, (-1), (-1))) to tree)
(link)if the following are true:
- val > a
- the element at index i of stack tree = node (a, left, (-1))
then output of the bst_insert function where input tree is tree, value is val and index is i = result of storing (node (a, left, (length of stack tree))) at index i of stack (result of appending (node (val, (-1), (-1))) to tree)
(link)if the following are true:
- find root index in tree = ri
- the element at index ri of stack tree = node (root_val, left, right)
- the element at index left of stack tree = node (l_val, l_left, l_right)
then result of rotating tree clockwise = result of storing (node (l_val, l_left, ri)) at index left of stack (result of storing (node (root_val, l_right, right)) at index ri of stack tree)
(link)if the following are true:
- find root index in tree = ri
- the element at index ri of stack tree = node (root_val, left, right)
- the element at index left of stack tree = node (l_val, l_left, g)
- the element at index g of stack tree = node (g_val, g_left, g_right)
then result of rotating tree twice = result of storing (node (root_val, g, right)) at index ri of stack (result of storing (node (g_val, left, g_right)) at index g of stack (result of storing (node (l_val, l_left, g_left)) at index left of stack tree))
(link)if the following are true:
- index of value value in tree = i
- the element at index i of stack tree = node (value, (-1), (-1))
- find parent index of tree = p
- the element at index p of stack tree = node (pval, pleft, i)
then pop value from tree tree = result of storing (node (pval, pleft, (-1))) at index p of stack tree
(link)if the following are true:
- index of value value in tree = i
- the element at index i of stack tree = node (value, left, (-1))
- the element at index left of stack tree = node (lvalue, lleft, lright)
- find parent index of tree = p
- the element at index p of stack tree = node (pval, pleft, i)
then pop value from tree tree = result of storing (node (value, (-1), (-1))) at index i of stack (result of storing (node (pval, pleft, left)) at index p of stack tree)
(link)if the following are true:
- index of value value in tree = i
- the element at index i of stack tree = node (value, (-1), right)
- the element at index right of stack tree = node (rvalue, rleft, rright)
- find parent index of tree = p
- the element at index p of stack tree = node (pval, i, pright)
then pop value from tree tree = result of storing (node (value, (-1), (-1))) at index i of stack (result of storing (node (pval, right, pright)) at index p of stack tree)
(link)if the following are true:
- index of value value in tree = i
- find nearest largertree = n
- the element at index n of stack tree = node (larger, nleft, nright)
- the element at index i of stack tree = node (value, left, right)
then pop value from tree tree = result of storing (node (larger, left, right)) at index i of stack (pop larger from tree tree)
(link)if the following are true:
- ((length of stack tree) - 1) - index = back_i
- the element at index back_i of stack tree = node (value, cs)
- elements of numbers that are not in tree tree = new_elements
- result of storing (node (value, new_elements)) at index back_i of stack tree = updated
then result of adding numbers to tree tree as children of the node at backwards index index = result of pushing values new_elements to tree updated
(link)if the following are true:
- the element at index child_i of stack tree = node (child_value, child_d, child_prev)
- distance + weight < child_d
- result of storing (node (child_value, (distance + weight), index)) at index child_i of stack tree = updated
then result of updating nodes [ pair (child_i, weight), rest ] in tree tree with parent index index and parent distance distance = result of updating nodes rest in tree updated with parent index index and parent distance distance
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