Function output of function store_compute where input key is key, value is value, map is vars, and processed map is visited

helper function for set_key_value that stores processed entries in visited


output of function store_compute where input key is key, value is value, map is vars, and processed map is visited


list vars -
variable key -
number value -
list visited -


list - None

Properties that reference this function:

result of storing value at key: key in map: entries = output of function store_compute where input key is key, value is value, map is entries, and processed map is [ ] (Set Key Value)
output of function store_compute where input key is key, value is value, map is [ ], and processed map is kvs = reverse of [ entry key: value, kvs ] (Set Key Value Add)
output of function store_compute where input key is key, value is value, map is [ ], and processed map is kvs = result of dumping kvs to [ entry key: value, [ ] ] (Set Key Value Add Dump)

Conditional properties that reference this function:

  • if entry_key = key, then output of function store_compute where input key is key, value is value, map is [ entry entry_key: entry_value, remaining ], and processed map is kvs = result of dumping kvs to [ entry key: value, remaining ] (link)
  • if not (entry_key = key), then output of function store_compute where input key is key, value is value, map is [ entry entry_key: entry_value, remaining ], and processed map is kvs = output of function store_compute where input key is key, value is value, map is remaining, and processed map is [ entry entry_key: entry_value, kvs ] (link)


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