Function output of the bst_insert function where input tree is tree, value is value and index is index
tree insert tree
output of the bst_insert function where input tree is tree, value is value and index is index
Conditional properties that reference this function:
if the following are true:
- val < a
- the element at index i of stack tree = node (a, left, right)
then output of the bst_insert function where input tree is tree, value is val and index is i = output of the bst_insert function where input tree is tree, value is val and index is left
(link)if the following are true:
- val > a
- the element at index i of stack tree = node (a, left, right)
then output of the bst_insert function where input tree is tree, value is val and index is i = output of the bst_insert function where input tree is tree, value is val and index is right
(link)if the following are true:
- val < a
- the element at index i of stack tree = node (a, (-1), right)
then output of the bst_insert function where input tree is tree, value is val and index is i = result of storing (node (a, (length of stack tree), right)) at index i of stack (result of appending (node (val, (-1), (-1))) to tree)
(link)if the following are true:
- val > a
- the element at index i of stack tree = node (a, left, (-1))
then output of the bst_insert function where input tree is tree, value is val and index is i = result of storing (node (a, left, (length of stack tree))) at index i of stack (result of appending (node (val, (-1), (-1))) to tree)
(link)if the following are true:
- find root index in tree = ri
- the element at index ri of stack tree = node (root_val, left, right)
- the element at index left of stack tree = node (l_val, l_left, l_right)
- new_val < root_val
- new_val < l_val
then result of inserting new_val to tree tree = result of rotating (output of the bst_insert function where input tree is tree, value is new_val and index is ri) clockwise
(link)if the following are true:
- find root index in tree = ri
- the element at index ri of stack tree = node (root_val, left, right)
- the element at index left of stack tree = node (l_val, l_left, l_right)
- new_val < root_val
- new_val > l_val
then result of inserting new_val to tree tree = result of rotating (result of rotating (output of the bst_insert function where input tree is tree, value is new_val and index is ri) twice) clockwise
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