Proof: While Test True Store Example

Let's prove the following theorem:

if the following are true:
  • the line at time 11 = 2
  • the tab at time 11 = 0
  • statement at line 2, tab 0 = while __lt__(a, 2):
  • expression state at time 11 = "end_expr"
  • Return Value at time 11 = True
  • Control Map at time 11 = [ ]

then Control Map at time 12 = [ entry 0: (pair ("while", 2)), [ ] ]

This example shows that if there is a "while" statement at the current line number 2 and current tab number 0, and test is True, then a new entry 0:pair("while":2) is stored in the "Control" map

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The proof uses the While Test True Store Property to show that a new pair is added to the "Control" map, then some algebra to simplify the time to 12.


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1 the line at time 11 = 2
2 the tab at time 11 = 0
3 statement at line 2, tab 0 = while __lt__(a, 2):
4 expression state at time 11 = "end_expr"
5 Return Value at time 11 = True
6 Control Map at time 11 = [ ]
Proof Table
# Claim Reason
1 Control Map at time (11 + 1) = result of storing (pair ("while", 2)) at key: 0 in map: (Control Map at time 11) if the line at time 11 = 2 and the tab at time 11 = 0 and statement at line 2, tab 0 = while __lt__(a, 2): and expression state at time 11 = "end_expr" and Return Value at time 11 = True, then Control Map at time (11 + 1) = result of storing (pair ("while", 2)) at key: 0 in map: (Control Map at time 11)
2 result of storing (pair ("while", 2)) at key: 0 in map: (Control Map at time 11) = result of storing (pair ("while", 2)) at key: 0 in map: [ ] if Control Map at time 11 = [ ], then result of storing (pair ("while", 2)) at key: 0 in map: (Control Map at time 11) = result of storing (pair ("while", 2)) at key: 0 in map: [ ]
3 result of storing (pair ("while", 2)) at key: 0 in map: [ ] = [ entry 0: (pair ("while", 2)), [ ] ] result of storing (pair ("while", 2)) at key: 0 in map: [ ] = [ entry 0: (pair ("while", 2)), [ ] ]
4 result of storing (pair ("while", 2)) at key: 0 in map: (Control Map at time 11) = [ entry 0: (pair ("while", 2)), [ ] ] if result of storing (pair ("while", 2)) at key: 0 in map: (Control Map at time 11) = result of storing (pair ("while", 2)) at key: 0 in map: [ ] and result of storing (pair ("while", 2)) at key: 0 in map: [ ] = [ entry 0: (pair ("while", 2)), [ ] ], then result of storing (pair ("while", 2)) at key: 0 in map: (Control Map at time 11) = [ entry 0: (pair ("while", 2)), [ ] ]
5 Control Map at time (11 + 1) = [ entry 0: (pair ("while", 2)), [ ] ] if Control Map at time (11 + 1) = result of storing (pair ("while", 2)) at key: 0 in map: (Control Map at time 11) and result of storing (pair ("while", 2)) at key: 0 in map: (Control Map at time 11) = [ entry 0: (pair ("while", 2)), [ ] ], then Control Map at time (11 + 1) = [ entry 0: (pair ("while", 2)), [ ] ]
6 11 + 1 = 12 11 + 1 = 12
7 Control Map at time (11 + 1) = Control Map at time 12 if 11 + 1 = 12, then Control Map at time (11 + 1) = Control Map at time 12
8 Control Map at time 12 = [ entry 0: (pair ("while", 2)), [ ] ] if Control Map at time (11 + 1) = Control Map at time 12 and Control Map at time (11 + 1) = [ entry 0: (pair ("while", 2)), [ ] ], then Control Map at time 12 = [ entry 0: (pair ("while", 2)), [ ] ]


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