Proof: Log Product Rule

Let's prove the following theorem:

logb(xy) = (logbx) + (logby)

This theorem allows us to convert a log of a product to a sum of the log of each operand.

For example:

log2(816) = (log28) + (log216)

log2(816) = 3 + 4

log2(816) = 7

Before calculators were invented, multiplying large numbers would take a long time. People used the Log Product Rule to convert multiplication problems to addition problems which are easier to solve.

Let's try multiplying two numbers using the following algorithm:

  1. Calculate log base 10 of both operands using a log table.
  2. Add the results.
  3. Calculate 10 to the power of the result from step 2 using an "anti-log" table.

For example, suppose we want to calculate 14⋅18.

First, we calculate:


This is equal to

(log1014) + (log1018)

Then, the log table tells us that:

log1014 = 1.146

log1018 = 1.255


(log1014) + (log1018) = 2.401

Finally, the anti-log table tells us that:

102.401 = 251.77

14⋅18 = 252, so we came quite close to the answer.

The key to proving this theorem is the following exponentiation property:

xm ⋅ xn = x(m+n)


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1 logbx = m
2 logby = n
3 logb(xy) = o
Proof Table
# Claim Reason
1 bm = x if logbx = m, then bm = x
2 bn = y if logby = n, then bn = y
3 bo = xy if logb(xy) = o, then bo = xy
4 bo = (bm) ⋅ (bn) if bo = xy and bn = y and bm = x, then bo = (bm) ⋅ (bn)
5 (bm) ⋅ (bn) = b(m + n) (bm) ⋅ (bn) = b(m + n)
6 bo = b(m + n) if (bm) ⋅ (bn) = b(m + n) and bo = (bm) ⋅ (bn), then bo = b(m + n)
7 o = m + n if bo = b(m + n), then o = m + n
8 logb(xy) = (logbx) + (logby) if o = m + n and logb(xy) = o and logby = n and logbx = m, then logb(xy) = (logbx) + (logby)


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