
Possible values are "true" and "false."

Boolean is used as input in the following functions:

if test:
elif test:

Boolean is used as output in the following functions:

AB || CD
line AB intersects line CD
line AB intersects line CD at point E
ABC and ∠DEF are supplementary
ABC is a right angle
ABCD is a parallelogram
ABC is a triangle
ABC is a right triangle
ABC is an isosceles triangle
ABC is an acute angle
ray BD bisects ∠ABC
segment AB ≅ segment XY
ABC is an acute triangle
M is the midpoint of line AB
ABC and ∠DEF are complementary
ABCD is a square
ABCD is a rectangle
ABCD is a rhombus
ABC is an equilateral triangle
quadrilateral ABCD is an isosceles trapezoid
quadrilateral ABCD is a trapezoid
stack x contains value
x is less than y
x is greater than y
x = y
point X lies in interior of ∠ABC
point X is in segment AB
points A B and C are collinear
quadrilateral ABCD is convex
instruction #i is add dst=dst src1=src1 src2=src2
an add instruction with dst: dst src1: src1 and src2: src2
instruction #i is beq left=left right=right imm=imm
a BEQ instruction that compares left and right with immediate imm
instruction #i is jump imm=imm
a jump instruction with to: imm
instruction #i is jumpr addr=addr
jump register instruction with addr: addr
instruction #i is addi dst=dst src=src imm=imm
subtract immediate instruction with dst: dst src: src and immediate: imm at i
subtract immediate instruction with dst: dst src: src and immediate: imm
instruction #i is store src=src addr=addr imm=imm
a STORE instruction with src: src address: addr and immediate: imm
instruction #i is load dst=dst addr=addr imm=imm
a LOAD instruction with dst: dst addr: addr and imm: imm
instruction #i is jal imm=jump_to
JAL instruction with jump to: jump_to
instruction #i is a NOP instruction
there is a computer at location x: x y: y z: z and time: t
if test:
elif test:
x is constant
there is a function named name with parameters params at line line
there is a class named name at line line
there is a method named method_name with parameters params at line line
x is a variable
map entries contains key key
expression left == right
expression left > right
expression left < right
map map_a does not contain a for loop entry at line: line and tab: tab
info describes a loop
length of elements is odd
length of elements is even
find referece to node index in tree tree
tree tree contains value


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