Function map entries contains key key
Does map entries contain key key?
map entries contains key key
list entries -
variable key -
boolean - None
Properties that reference this function:
map [ entry key: value, remaining ] contains key key = True (Has Key Found)
map [ entry bad_key: value, remaining ] contains key key = map remaining contains key key (Has Key Continue)
map [ ] contains key key = False (Has Key Not Found)
Conditional properties that reference this function:
if the following are true:
- expression state at time t = "call_function_begin"
- the expression at time t = obj_name.method_name(args)
- value at obj_name in map (Variables Map at time t) = Python reference index
- the element at index index of stack (Python Object Store at time t) = Python object: [ entry "__class_name__": class_name, e_rest ]
- map (Class Map at time t) contains key class_name = True
then expression state at time (t + 1) = "call_build_args"
(link)if map map_a contains key j = False, then map map_a does not contain a for loop entry at line: i and tab: j
(link)if the following are true:
- value at class_name in map class_defs = class_def
- value at "methods" in map class_def = methods_map
- map methods_map contains key method_name = False
then definition of method method_name of class class_name in class_defs = definition of method method_name in base classes (value at "bases" in map class_def) in class_defs
(link)if the following are true:
- value at first_base in map class_defs = class_def
- value at "methods" in map class_def = methods_map
- map methods_map contains key method_name = False
then definition of method method_name in base classes [ first_base, rest ] in class_defs = definition of method method_name in base classes rest in class_defs
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