Function output of the shortest_path function where the input graph is graph, backwards index is index, and tree is tree



output of the shortest_path function where the input graph is graph, backwards index is index, and tree is tree


list graph -
number index -
list tree -


list - None

Properties that reference this function:

shortest path from node v to every other node in graph graph = output of the shortest_path function where the input graph is graph, backwards index is 0, and tree is [ node (v, 0, None), [ ] ] (compute shortest path begin)

Conditional properties that reference this function:

  • if the following are true:
    • children of the node at backwards index i of tree tree in graph graph = children
    • result of adding or updating children children of the node at backwards index i in tree tree = new_tree

    then output of the shortest_path function where the input graph is graph, backwards index is i, and tree is tree = output of the shortest_path function where the input graph is graph, backwards index is (i + 1), and tree is new_tree

  • if i = length of stack tree, then output of the shortest_path function where the input graph is graph, backwards index is i, and tree is tree = tree (link)


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