Function output of the separate_nodes function where the input tree is tree, the nodes are pairs, the existing group is old, and the new group is new
output of the separate_nodes function where the input tree is tree, the nodes are pairs, the existing group is old, and the new group is new
Properties that reference this function:
Conditional properties that reference this function:
if tree tree contains value = False, then output of the separate_nodes function where the input tree is tree, the nodes are [ pair (value, weight), rest ], the existing group is exist, and the new group is new = output of the separate_nodes function where the input tree is tree, the nodes are rest, the existing group is exist, and the new group is [ pair (value, weight), new ]
(link)if index of value value in tree = index, then output of the separate_nodes function where the input tree is tree, the nodes are [ pair (value, weight), rest ], the existing group is exist, and the new group is new = output of the separate_nodes function where the input tree is tree, the nodes are rest, the existing group is [ pair (index, weight), exist ], and the new group is new
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