Conditional Properties

In each statement, if the test expression is true, then the conclusion expression is also assumed to be true. Conditional properties are used to prove theorems.

Even Length
if (length of stack xs) % 2 = 0, then length of xs is even

Odd Length
if (length of stack xs) % 2 = 1, then length of xs is odd

Add subtower list
if i < max_size, then get subtower map[ i, rest ] = get subtower maprest

Add subtower stop
if not (i < max_size), then get subtower map[ i, rest ] = result

Find Other
if the following are true:

then find other one = x

Towers of Hanoi Even
if the following are true:

then towers of hanoi towers = towers of hanoi top disks towers

Towers of Hanoi Odd
if the following are true:

then towers of hanoi towers = towers of hanoi top disks towers

Towers of Hanoi Move Top
if the following are true:

then towers of hanoi top towers = move disk towers is even

Towers of Hanoi Most Rest
if the following are true:

then towers of hanoi top towers = towers of hanoi (move disk towers is even)

height of leaf
if the element at index i of stack tree = node (v, (-1), (-1)), then Height of a tree tree and index i = 1

height of left child
if the element at index i of stack tree = node (v, left, (-1)), then Height of a tree tree and index i = (Height of a tree tree and index left) + 1

height of right child
if the element at index i of stack tree = node (v, (-1), right), then Height of a tree tree and index i = (Height of a tree tree and index right) + 1

height when left is larger
if the following are true:

then Height of a tree tree and index i = (Height of a tree tree and index a) + 1

height when right is larger
if the following are true:

then Height of a tree tree and index i = (Height of a tree tree and index b) + 1

height when children are the same
if the following are true:

then Height of a tree tree and index i = (Height of a tree tree and index a) + 1

tree insert move left
if the following are true:

then output of the bst_insert function where input tree is tree, value is val and index is i = output of the bst_insert function where input tree is tree, value is val and index is left

tree insert move right
if the following are true:

then output of the bst_insert function where input tree is tree, value is val and index is i = output of the bst_insert function where input tree is tree, value is val and index is right

tree insert left
if the following are true:

then output of the bst_insert function where input tree is tree, value is val and index is i = result of storing (node (a, (length of stack tree), right)) at index i of stack (result of appending (node (val, (-1), (-1))) to tree)

tree insert right
if the following are true:

then output of the bst_insert function where input tree is tree, value is val and index is i = result of storing (node (a, left, (length of stack tree))) at index i of stack (result of appending (node (val, (-1), (-1))) to tree)

find node reference next
if the following are true:

then find referece to node index in tree [ node (x, left, right), rest ] = find referece to node index in tree rest

tree root found
if find referece to node i in tree tree = False, then find root index in tree = i

tree insert help
if the following are true:

then result of inserting new_val to tree tree = result of rotating (output of the bst_insert function where input tree is tree, value is new_val and index is ri) clockwise

tree insert help 2
if the following are true:

then result of inserting new_val to tree tree = result of rotating (result of rotating (output of the bst_insert function where input tree is tree, value is new_val and index is ri) twice) clockwise

rotate tree clockwise
if the following are true:

then result of rotating tree clockwise = result of storing (node (l_val, l_left, ri)) at index left of stack (result of storing (node (root_val, l_right, right)) at index ri of stack tree)

rotate tree counter-clockwise
if the following are true:

then result of rotating tree twice = result of storing (node (root_val, g, right)) at index ri of stack (result of storing (node (g_val, left, g_right)) at index g of stack (result of storing (node (l_val, l_left, g_left)) at index left of stack tree))

find nearest larger value start
if the element at index i of stack tree = node (value, left, right), then find nearest largertree = find nearest largertree

found nearest larger value
if the following are true:

then find nearest largertree = i

find nearest larger value less
if the following are true:

then find nearest largertree = find nearest largertree

find nearest larger value greater
if the following are true:

then find nearest largertree = find nearest largertree

find nearest larger value equal
if the following are true:

then find nearest largertree = find nearest largertree

tree delete leaf
if the following are true:

then pop value from tree tree = result of storing (node (pval, pleft, (-1))) at index p of stack tree

tree delete single child parent
if the following are true:

then pop value from tree tree = result of storing (node (value, (-1), (-1))) at index i of stack (result of storing (node (pval, pleft, left)) at index p of stack tree)

tree delete single right child parent
if the following are true:

then pop value from tree tree = result of storing (node (value, (-1), (-1))) at index i of stack (result of storing (node (pval, right, pright)) at index p of stack tree)

tree delete two children parent
if the following are true:

then pop value from tree tree = result of storing (node (larger, left, right)) at index i of stack (pop larger from tree tree)

tree is already balanced
if the following are true:

then result of balancing the tree tree = tree

tree left left is taller
if the following are true:

then result of balancing the tree tree = result of rotating tree clockwise

tree left right is taller
if the following are true:

then result of balancing the tree tree = result of rotating (result of rotating tree twice) clockwise

merge stacks a is larger
if a < b, then output of the merge_stacks function where input stacks are [ a, a_rest ] and [ b, b_rest ], and merged stack is result = output of the merge_stacks function where input stacks are a_rest and [ b, b_rest ], and merged stack is [ a, result ]

merge stacks b is larger
if a > b, then output of the merge_stacks function where input stacks are [ a, a_rest ] and [ b, b_rest ], and merged stack is result = output of the merge_stacks function where input stacks are [ a, a_rest ] and b_rest, and merged stack is [ b, result ]

halve stack next
if c > 0, then output of the halve stack function where input stack is [ a, a_rest ], other stack is other, and count is c = output of the halve stack function where input stack is a_rest, other stack is [ a, other ], and count is (c - 1)

merge sort begin
if result of halving the stack stack = [ first_half, [ second_half, [ ] ] ], then result of merge sorting stack = result of merging stacks (result of merge sorting first_half) and (result of merge sorting second_half)

tree contains value
if elem = value, then tree [ node (elem, cs), rest ] contains value = True

tree contains next
if not (elem = value), then tree [ node (elem, cs), rest ] contains value = tree rest contains value

d tree contains value
if elem = value, then tree [ node (elem, d, p), rest ] contains value = True

d tree contains next
if not (elem = value), then tree [ node (elem, d, p), rest ] contains value = tree rest contains value

element is not in tree
if tree tree contains value = False, then output of the not_in_tree function where the input tree is tree, the values are [ value, rest ], and the new values are result = output of the not_in_tree function where the input tree is tree, the values are rest, and the new values are [ value, result ]

element is in tree
if tree tree contains value = True, then output of the not_in_tree function where the input tree is tree, the values are [ value, rest ], and the new values are result = output of the not_in_tree function where the input tree is tree, the values are rest, and the new values are result

get node children begin
if the following are true:

then children of the node at backwards index index of tree tree in graph graph = output of the find_neighbors function where the input graph is graph, node is value, and children are [ ]

get node children not found
if the following are true:

then output of the find_neighbors function where the input graph is [ pair (left, right), rest ], node is value, and children are result = output of the find_neighbors function where the input graph is rest, node is value, and children are result

get node children found on left
if left = value, then output of the find_neighbors function where the input graph is [ pair (left, right), rest ], node is value, and children are result = output of the find_neighbors function where the input graph is rest, node is value, and children are [ right, result ]

get node children found on right
if right = value, then output of the find_neighbors function where the input graph is [ pair (left, right), rest ], node is value, and children are result = output of the find_neighbors function where the input graph is rest, node is value, and children are [ left, result ]

add new tree children
if the following are true:

then result of adding numbers to tree tree as children of the node at backwards index index = result of pushing values new_elements to tree updated

construct spanning tree next
if the following are true:

then output of the spanning_tree function where the input graph is graph, backwards index is i, and the spanning tree is tree = output of the spanning_tree function where the input graph is graph, backwards index is (i + 1), and the spanning tree is new_tree

construct spanning tree finished
if i = (length of stack tree) - 1, then output of the spanning_tree function where the input graph is graph, backwards index is i, and the spanning tree is tree = tree

get d node children begin
if the following are true:

then children of the node at backwards index index of tree tree in graph graph = output of the find_neighbors function where the input graph is graph, node is value, and children are [ ]

get d node children not found
if the following are true:

then output of the find_neighbors function where the input graph is [ edge (left, right, weight), rest ], node is value, and children are result = output of the find_neighbors function where the input graph is rest, node is value, and children are result

get d node children found on left
if left = value, then output of the find_neighbors function where the input graph is [ edge (left, right, weight), rest ], node is value, and children are result = output of the find_neighbors function where the input graph is rest, node is value, and children are [ pair (right, weight), result ]

get d node children found on right
if right = value, then output of the find_neighbors function where the input graph is [ edge (left, right, weight), rest ], node is value, and children are result = output of the find_neighbors function where the input graph is rest, node is value, and children are [ pair (left, weight), result ]

element is new
if tree tree contains value = False, then output of the separate_nodes function where the input tree is tree, the nodes are [ pair (value, weight), rest ], the existing group is exist, and the new group is new = output of the separate_nodes function where the input tree is tree, the nodes are rest, the existing group is exist, and the new group is [ pair (value, weight), new ]

element exists in tree
if index of value value in tree = index, then output of the separate_nodes function where the input tree is tree, the nodes are [ pair (value, weight), rest ], the existing group is exist, and the new group is new = output of the separate_nodes function where the input tree is tree, the nodes are rest, the existing group is [ pair (index, weight), exist ], and the new group is new

update node weight
if the following are true:

then result of updating nodes [ pair (child_i, weight), rest ] in tree tree with parent index index and parent distance distance = result of updating nodes rest in tree updated with parent index index and parent distance distance

leave node weight unchanged
if the following are true:

then result of updating nodes [ pair (child_i, weight), rest ] in tree tree with parent index index and parent distance distance = result of updating nodes rest in tree tree with parent index index and parent distance distance

add d children to tree
if the following are true:

then result of adding or updating children pairs of the node at backwards index index in tree tree = result of pushing nodes new into tree updated where parent is index and parent distance is distance

compute shortest path next
if the following are true:

then output of the shortest_path function where the input graph is graph, backwards index is i, and tree is tree = output of the shortest_path function where the input graph is graph, backwards index is (i + 1), and tree is new_tree

find shortest path finished
if i = length of stack tree, then output of the shortest_path function where the input graph is graph, backwards index is i, and tree is tree = tree

construct dfs spanning tree next
if the following are true:

then output of the build_dft_tree function where input graph is graph, tree is tree, and neighbor stack is [ node (top, parent), rest ] = output of the build_dft_tree function where input graph is graph, tree is [ node (top, parent), tree ], and neighbor stack is new_stack

BST search left
if val < a, then tree (node (a, left, right)) contains val = tree left contains val

BST search right
if val > a, then tree (node (a, left, right)) contains val = tree right contains val

BST search found
if val = a, then tree (node (a, left, right)) contains val = True

tree insert traverse left
if val < a, then output of the bst_insert function where the input tree is (node (a, left, right)), value is val, visited is visited, and moves are moves = output of the bst_insert function where the input tree is left, value is val, visited is [ node (a, None, right), visited ], and moves are [ "L", moves ]

tree insert traverse right
if val > a, then output of the bst_insert function where the input tree is (node (a, left, right)), value is val, visited is visited, and moves are moves = output of the bst_insert function where the input tree is right, value is val, visited is [ node (a, left, None), visited ], and moves are [ "R", moves ]

tree insert rebuild 1
if val < a, then output of the bst_insert function where the input tree is (node (a, None, None)), value is val, visited is visited, and moves are moves = result of building the BST from nodes [ node (a, (node (val, None, None)), None), visited ] and moves moves

tree insert rebuild 2
if val > a, then output of the bst_insert function where the input tree is (node (a, None, None)), value is val, visited is visited, and moves are moves = result of building the BST from nodes [ node (a, None, (node (val, None, None))), visited ] and moves moves

height of left is larger
if height of tree left > height of tree right, then height of tree (node (v, left, right)) = (height of tree left) + 1

height of right is larger
if height of tree left < height of tree right, then height of tree (node (v, left, right)) = (height of tree right) + 1

heights are the same
if height of tree left = height of tree right, then height of tree (node (v, left, right)) = (height of tree left) + 1

avl tree rotate clockwise
if the following are true:

then result of balancing the tree (node (v, (node (lv, ll, lr)), right)) = result of rotating (node (v, (node (lv, ll, lr)), right)) clockwise

avl tree rotate twice
if the following are true:

then result of balancing the tree (node (v, (node (lv, ll, lr)), right)) = result of rotating (node (v, (node (lv, ll, lr)), right)) twice

tree delete traverse left
if val < a, then output of the bst_delete function where input tree is (node (a, left, right)), value is val, visited is visited, and moves are moves = output of the bst_delete function where input tree is left, value is val, visited is [ node (a, None, right), visited ], and moves are [ "L", moves ]

tree delete traverse right
if val > a, then output of the bst_delete function where input tree is (node (a, left, right)), value is val, visited is visited, and moves are moves = output of the bst_delete function where input tree is right, value is val, visited is [ node (a, left, None), visited ], and moves are [ "R", moves ]

tree delete rebuild 2
if val = b, then output of the bst_delete function where input tree is (node (a, (node (b, None, (node (c, cl, cr)))), right)), value is val, visited is visited, and moves are moves = result of building the BST from nodes [ node (a, (node (c, cl, cr)), right), visited ] and moves moves

tree delete rebuild 3
if the following are true:

then output of the bst_delete function where input tree is tree, value is val, visited is visited, and moves are moves = result of building the BST from nodes [ result of updating the root of (result of removing near from tree tree) with near, visited ] and moves moves

Converse of Power Substitution
if bm = bn, then m = n

Log Definition
if xp = z, then logxz = p

Converse of Log Definition
if logxz = p, then xp = z

Midpoint is in Segment
if M is the midpoint of line AB, then point M is in segment AB

Point in a Segment
if m∠ABC = 180, then point B is in segment AC

Point in Segment is Interior to Angle Formed by Segment Poins
if point M is in segment AB, then point M lies in interior of ∠AXB

A Parallel Point That is in the Interior of an Angle
if AB || CD, then point C lies in interior of ∠ABD

Interior of a Straight Line
if m∠ABC = 180, then point X lies in interior of ∠ABC

Interior of an Angle
if (point M is in segment BC) and (m∠AME = 180) and (m∠ACD = 180), then point E lies in interior of ∠BCD

Bisector of an Angle is in the Interior
if ray BX bisects ∠ABC, then point X lies in interior of ∠ABC

Interior Property
if ((m∠ABX) + (m∠XBC) = 180) or ((m∠ABX) + (m∠XBC) < 180), then point X lies in interior of ∠ABC

Interior Property (Converse)
if point X lies in interior of ∠ABC, then ((m∠ABX) + (m∠XBC) < 180) or ((m∠ABX) + (m∠XBC) = 180)

Angle Addition Postulate
if ((m∠ABX) + (m∠XBC) < 180) or ((m∠ABX) + (m∠XBC) = 180), then m∠ABC = (m∠ABX) + (m∠XBC)

Perpendicular Angles
if ABBC, then ∠ABC is a right angle

Perpendicular Angles 2
if ∠ABC is a right angle, then ABBC

Right Angle And Triangle
if ∠ABC is a right angle, then △ABC is a right triangle

Right Angle And Triangle 2
if △ABC is a right triangle, then ∠ABC is a right angle

Right Angle Property
if ∠ABC is a right angle, then m∠ABC = 90

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