
Functions process one or more input values and produce an output value. Click on a function to read more about it.

a jump instruction with to: imm
instruction #i is jumpr addr=addr
jump register instruction with addr: addr
instruction #i is addi dst=dst src=src imm=imm
an ADDI instruction with src: src imm: imm and dst: dst
subtract immediate instruction with dst: dst src: src and immediate: imm at i
subtract immediate instruction with dst: dst src: src and immediate: imm
instruction #i is store src=src addr=addr imm=imm
a STORE instruction with src: src address: addr and immediate: imm
instruction #i is load dst=dst addr=addr imm=imm
a LOAD instruction with dst: dst addr: addr and imm: imm
instruction #i is jal imm=jump_to
JAL instruction with jump to: jump_to
instruction #i is a NOP instruction
value of cell i at time t
byte at ID: id, cell #i at time t
the PC at time t
the PC at computer id and time t
there is a computer at location x: x y: y z: z and time: t
target = value
if test:
elif test:
"if" map at time s
'while stack' at time s
"while" statement with condition test
"for" statement with target: target and iterable iterable
"break" statement
"break" state at s
"continue" statement
"continue" state at s
x is constant
the line at time s
the tab at time s
the expression at time s
statement at line l, tab s
function call with name: name and arguments: args
object.attribute = value
expression state at time s
expression state with parent stack: parent_stack arguments: arg_stack values: value_stack line: line tab: tab
expression state with expression stack: expr_stack values: value_stack line: line tab: tab
return value
Value Stack at time s
parent stack at time s
arguments stack at time s
Return Value at time s
function definition where name: name and parameters: params
there is a function named name with parameters params at line line
a class named name with bases: bases
Class Map at time time
there is a class named name at line line
a method named method_name with parameters params
there is a method named method_name with parameters params at line line
x is a variable
stack at time s
Argument Values at time s
Variables Map at time s
Parameters List at time s
Parameters List at time s
Function Variables Map at time s
program context with variables: vars and expression state: expr_state and control map: in_block
program context where Local Variables Map: variables, Expression Stack: expr_stack, Values Stack: values_stack, Line: line, Tab: tab, and Control Map: control_map
result of storing value at key: key in map: vars
output of function store_compute where input key is key, value is value, map is vars, and processed map is visited
value at key in map vars
map entries contains key key
result of deleting the entry with key key from map entries
output of function delete_entry where input key is key, map is entries, and processed is processed
pair (key, value)
trio (first, second, third)
entry key: value
number of lines
expression left + right
expression left - right
expression left * right
expression left == right
expression left > right
expression left < right
expression object[key]
Python list elements
Python dictionary entries
Python reference index
Python object: attrs
Python constructor with name: class_name and arguments: arguments
Python Object Store at time t
Control Map at time t
definition of method method_name of class class_name in class_defs
definition of method method_name of base classes bases in class_defs
method parameters where the Class Map is class_defs, class name is class_name, and method name is method_name
line number of method method_name of class class_name in class_defs
type of expression
map map_a does not contain a for loop entry at line: line and tab: tab
the first token in object
info describes a loop
number of characters read at t
cursor x at time t
cursor y at time t
display text at x: x, y: y, and time: t
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